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Broken Chair : symbol for armed violence victims 

Broken Chair embodies the desperate but proud cry of the civilian populations harmed by all forms of armed violence. It also symbolizes the obligation of States to protect and help the victims. Its presence on the Place des Nations allows each of us to develop a personal reflection on our responsibility to refuse the unacceptable, and to act!

Created : 1997 

Size and weight : 12 meters and 5.5 tons

Material : Douglas Wood

Owner : Handicap International, Humanity & Inclusion

Project : Paul Vermeulen, co-founder of Handicap International Switzerland

Artist : Daniel Berset 

Carpenter : Louis Genève

Engineer : Thomas Büchi


test 1997

18 August - Broken Chair comes to Place des Nations

This giant chair was born out of Handicap International’s desire to rally states and public opinion to put an end to the humanitarian crisis caused by antipersonnel mines.

An uncertain future 2005

An uncertain future

The renovation of Place des Nations again threatened Broken Chair’s presence. "While for the architects, the artwork integrated perfectly their visual concept

February 26 - Broken Chair returns 2007

February 26 - Broken Chair returns

Beyond the debate about its future, Broken Chair returned to its original location thanks to a groundswell of popular demand.

Broken Chair working for victims of cluster bombs 2008

Broken Chair working for victims of cluster bombs

Handicap International extended the work’s symbolic power in support of the process to ban cluster bombs, which were subsequently banned by the Oslo Convention in December 2008.

A new battle for Broken Chair: explosive weapons 2016

A new battle for Broken Chair: explosive weapons

Handicap International chose a new role for Broken Chair. As part of its “NO to the bombing of civilians” campaign, the monument now embodies the desperate cries of those maimed by military violence, with reference to the use of explosive weapons in populated areas.

November 14 – Symbolic inauguration of the monument to the Unknown Civilian 2019

November 14 – Symbolic inauguration of the monument to the Unknown Civilian

As a key witness to the ravages of explosive weapons and in keeping with its foundational opposition to weapons that kill civilians, Handicap International symbolically inaugurated the Monument to the Unknown Civilian in honour of the millions of women, men and children who have unjustly died in the shadow of war.

January 31 – A sad return to the news 2020

January 31 – A sad return to the news

Following the announcement made by U.S. government to resume the use and storage of anti-personnel mines, Handicap International...

Real progress in ending civilian suffering due to bombing 2022

Real progress in ending civilian suffering due to bombing

Handicap International positioned a “balloon tank” next to Broken Chair to draw attention to the final negotiations to end the bombing of civilians in populated areas. 

Bridge in Geneva, with white and blue Handicap International flags. Some are flocked with the logo and others with Broken Chair. 2022

September - Commemorating 25 years of Broken Chair

In order to raise awareness of barbaric practices such as the bombing of civilians and to continue to unite people around its fight to protect civilians  

Black-and-white fresco of a hand approaching a fourth foot in Broken Chair, with children placed all around the work. 2023

4 to 15 September - All of us ! Art against weapons

Franco-Swiss artist Saype has teamed up with Handicap International...

Broken Chair with a Cease Fire Now poster calling for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip 2023

21 November - The call for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and Israel from Geneva.

The humanitarian crisis and the massive loss of life in the Gaza Strip and Israel have deeply shocked the international community.

Restoring Broken Chair 2024

Restoring Broken Chair

Broken Chair was last restored in 2016, and is now in need of restoration. Because of its organic material, it lives and transforms like a human being vulnerable to weapons.




Broken Chair
Place of Nations
1202 Geneva

Public transport / Nations decision

Stop : Nations 



Copyright : 
© Handicap International
© Carole Parodi
© Genève Tourisme
© Saype
© Thomas Million
© Basile Barbey