HI Yoga Nations: Free yoga sessions under Broken Chair


Handicap International (HI) is once again offering two free monthly yoga sessions under the Broken Chair, Place des Nations in Geneva, from May 7th to October this year. Objective: to meet the public in this symbolic high place of international Geneva.


HI Yoga Nations is a free yoga course, accessible and open to all, under Broken Chair, on the Place des Nations in Geneva. Between May and October, eleven yoga sessions are offered twice a month on Tuesdays from 12:00 to 1:00. To participate, all you need to do is bring a yoga mat, a bottle of water and a comfortable outfit. Cancellation in case of bad weather.


The first session will take place on Tuesday, May 7th. The next courses will be held on Tuesdays, May 21th, June 4th and 18th, July 16th and 30th, August 13th and 27th, September 3rd and October 1st and 15th, 2019, from 12:00 to 1:00.


The courses will be given in turn by two HI employees, who will offer a pleasant and adapted practice at all levels. They will be equipped with a headset and a sound system to be heard by all. The courses are held in English and French. 


Well-being of body and mind in a symbolic place


The objectives of this action are to meet the public at a symbolic place in international Geneva, under Broken Chair, spokesman for HI's fight against explosive weapons and violence inflicted on populations during conflicts. It is also an opportunity to practice a sport that aims at the well-being of body and mind, in complete safety, in the face of the UN, while others around the world do not have the chance to live in a place where there is peace and where they can move safely.


More information: www.facebook.com/HIYogaNations/


Nehmen Sie mit uns Kontakt auf

Nadia Ben Said
Verantwortliche Medien

Tel : +41 22 710 93 36
[email protected]

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© Jonathan Liechti

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© Rakotondraparany D. Njara / HI

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© HI

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