Toward a political declaration against bombing in populated areas

Minen und andere Waffen Stop Bombing Civilians

On Monday, 18 November, at the United Nations in Geneva, States’ delegations, militaries, UN agencies and civil society were gather to start discussions on a political declaration against the use of explosive weapons in populated areas.

HI Advocacy Manager Alma HI Advocacy Manager Alma Al-Osta speaking at the conference.Al-Osta speaking at the conference.

HI Advocacy Manager Alma Al-Osta speaking at the conference. | (c) HI

The negotiations, starting with this first meeting in Geneva, will be followed by another round of consultations early next year and should culminate at a conference scheduled for late spring 2020 in Dublin, where a political declaration will be opened for endorsements.

HI and members of the International Network of Explosive Weapons (INEW) are working with States to convince them to fully support a strong political declaration to end the use of explosive weapons with wide area effects in populated areas and to ensure support the victims of these weapons.

“These first discussions are crucial to prepare a draft of the political declaration. During this first round of negotiations, we want to secure 3 points: to ensure that the declaration will call on states to ‘stop’ using explosive weapons in populated areas, to include obligations for states to assist victims and their communities and to require militaries to share good policies and practice for the protection of civilians in armed conflicts.”

Anne Héry, HI Advocacy Director

Call your MPs

HI calls for citizens’ support to mobilize parliamentarians in 7 countries (Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Switzerland, United Kingdom) and ensure that governments will commit to the cause: Citizens are invited to write to their MPs on a dedicated internet platform to ask their government to support the declaration against the use of explosive weapons in populated areas.

At the site of your choice, write to your local MP to force the government to make a firm commitment against this scourge that kills and injures 90% of civilians. Let’s act together by addressing a message to our MPs in Switzerland.


Unacceptable casualties

Armed conflicts are increasingly fought in populated areas; mainly cities. The impact of the use of explosive weapons is devastating for civilians: According to Action on Armed Violence (AOAV) 20,384 civilians were killed or injured by explosive weapons in 2018. When explosive weapons are used in populated areas, 90% of the victims are civilians.

The use of explosive weapons in populated areas also leads to the destruction of essential infrastructures like houses, hospitals, schools etc. and leaves massive contamination with unexploded ordnances, which is one of the key drivers of forced displacement.

The Vienna Conference, October 2019

The three rounds of negotiations were launched in October at the Vienna Conference “Protecting Civilians in Urban Warfare”, gathering 133 States. A majority announced their willingness to work on a political declaration to end human suffering caused by the use of explosive weapons in populated areas.

18 November 2019

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Nadia Ben Said
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